Eastern Kentucky University - Graduated December 2024
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science
- Concentration in interactive multimedia
- Minor in game design
- Communications certified
- Social Behavioral Science certified
Classes taken
Computer Science Core Courses
- Discrete Structures I & II
- Object-OrientedProgramming I & II
- Mobile App Development for iOS
- Data Structures
- Database Systems
- Ethics & Software Engineering
- Computer Science Career Preparatiob
- Senior Seminar - Computer Science
Game Development & Design
- Intro to Computer Game Design
- Intro to Game Programming
- Intro to Database Systems
- 3D Modeling
- 3D Game Engine Design
- Graphics Programming
- Game Design Capstone
- Multimedia System Design
- 2D Animation
- Film Scoring
- Intro to Creative Writing
- Art & Craft of Screenwriting
- Drawing I
- 3D Printing
- Digital Sculpting
- Exploring Virtual Worlds
- Intro to Statistical Reasoning
- Applied Statistics
- Precalculus
- Calculus I & II
- Linear Algebra and Matrices
- University Physics I
Business & Marketing
- Principles of Marketing
- Professional Selling
- Digital Marketing
General Education
- Conversational German I & II
- Intro to Human Communication
- Intro to Psychology
- Reading, Writing, & Rhetoric
- Research, Writing, & Rhetoric
- Intro to American Government
- Enjoying Literature
- Introductory Astornomy
- Mass Media and Society
- Cinema History I
- Intro to Biological Anthropology
- Art Appreciation
- LGBTQ Film Studies
- Survey of Global Art History II